What to eat, what not to eat?
“It’s called being practical, NOT perfect.†When it comes to fitness and nutrition, let’s be honest… even if something is not the most ideal option, but still better than the worst option… That’s truly what matters.
As you work on bettering yourself, you’re going to come across so many articles talking about studies and research that may prove one food is better over another, or a particular style of workout generates better results. But I encourage you to be true to yourself.
Be true to yourself!
Sweet potato may be better than russets, or brown rice more nutritious than white. But if you don’t like the taste of brown rice though, you’ll likely be less inclined to stick to your diet. White rice is still considerably better than fries. Pick reasonable options to tailor to your every life. By doing so, chances are you’ll be able to adopt those changes to your lifestyle and have a better chance of sticking to your overall goals.
Small changes can make a BIG impact!
The same is true for workouts. For example, everyone is praising HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). That may work for some, but for myself it leaves me overly exhausted and merely drenched in sweat! I’m then too tired and sore the next day to desire to want to do it again… let alone make it part of my every day routine. Personally, I’m a steady state cardio girl! I rely more on maintaining a target heart rate for a scheduled length of time to achieve my fat loss goals.
Remember, there’s no right or wrong way only. It’s what is going to work best for YOU!
So be flexible in the beginning and willing to experiment with your diet and your workouts until you find what works best for you that is practical, NOT necessarily close to perfect. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way only. It’s what is going to work best for YOU! Work towards integrating that into your everyday lifestyle, and you’ll see greater more lasting success.
Hang in there, we are going to get there together!
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